BENjour! January
Hoping your 2023 is off to a wonderful start!
And speaking of the new year, how are we already over halfway into the month of January?!
BUT, you know what that means… it’s time to #GiveABenj! If you haven’t already done so, consider this your monthly gentle nudge!
Looking for some ideas? Here’s a fun story of what our family did over the holidays in keeping with the spirt of the season and in keeping with what is at the core of The Benjamin Society – spontaneous generosity!
Before leaving for a family vacation, my husband suggested each family member take a $100 bill to give to someone over the course of our trip. Then, at dinner on the last night, we would each share the “who and why”- what a fun conclusion to our trip as we went around the table and heard how each other decided to #GiveABenj!
The weather was unseasonably cold so one family member gave a Benjamin to the kind doorman who was bundled up day after day but continually welcomed us with a warm hello and big smile while another family member gave his Benjamin to the barista to pay for the next customers in line as far
as it would go. Another family member gave his Benjamin to the street vendor who was out in the elements selling gloves and scarves, while another left her Benjamin for the housekeeping service at the hotel and yet another family member gave his Benjamin to our Uber driver as a tip. Lastly, as we
finished our Christmas Day dinner at a local restaurant, one family member tipped the waiter $100.
Maybe these ideas will spur you on to get creative in how you #GiveABenj this month and throughout the rest of the year! Please stay in touch and be sure to tag us @thebenjaminsociety and also send us a DM on Instagram your #HowIBenjed story just may show up in a future email or post!
Happy New Year!!

Join the movement and reap the blessings of giving!
The Benjamin Society is for everyone who wants to make SPONTANEOUS GENEROSITY a way of life.