BENjour! December
This is just a quick hello with your gentle monthly nudge to #GiveABenj for December
With Christmas around the corner and with all the bustle and busyness that comes with this time of year, we wanted to be sure to share a gentle nudge to #GiveABenj this holiday season!
Some favorite ideas include going to a layaway counter at a store and paying $100 towards someone’s balance, sponsoring a child from the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree and make their Christmas gift wish list come true, ordering pizzas to be delivered to your local fire department or police station, giving your kid’s teachers gift cards for dinner and movie passes to be used over the break,delivering poinsettias or other fresh flowers with a card to a nursing home or assisted living facility… this list goes on and on!
In the spirit of the season, I wanted to share a quote that resonated with me many, many years ago…
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” —Hamilton Wright Mabie
Wouldn’t it be amazing if love and kindness and generosity were practiced all year long and not just top of our minds and hearts during the holiday season?
Something to aspire to, no doubt. In fact, I think I just decided on my New Year’s resolution – to engage in a conspiracy of love all year long! Hope you will join me!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Spread kindness, generosity
and gratitude every day
Join The Benjamin Society and reap the blessings of giving!
The Benjamin Society is for everyone who wants to make SPONTANEOUS GENEROSITY a way of life.